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New York Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 1

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4000 sqft Multi-Studio Top Floor + Rooftop - Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights

Cafe in New York City - Little Italy Karte anzeigen

Studio 2: Blaues Cafe mit Oberlichtern

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Mit echtem Holzboden. Siehe mehr


Jede Buchung ist gegen Stornierungen durch den Anbieter, ungenaue Inseratsangaben und Probleme, z.B. beim Check-in, abgesichert. Mehr erfahren


43056 sqft

1 - 125Personen

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pro Stunde icon

pro Stunde

$ 225.00

Alle Preise exkl. MwSt.

Verfügbare Zahlungsmethoden:

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Payment method icon
Payment method icon
Payment method icon
Payment method icon
Payment method icon

Stornierungsbedingungen: Guests may cancel their booking until 90 days before the booking start time and will receive a full refund (including all Fees) of their Booking Price. Guests may cancel their Booking between 90 days and 14 days before the booking start time and receive a 50% refund (excluding Fees) of their Booking Price. Cancellations submitted less than 14 days before the booking start time are not refundable.

New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 1
New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 0
New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 2
New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 3
New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 20
New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 19
New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 8
New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 9 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 4 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 5 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 6 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 7 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 31 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 10 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 11 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 12 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 13 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 14 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 15 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 16 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 17 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 18 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 21 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 22 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 23 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 24 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 25 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 26 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 27 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 28 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 29 New York City Creative Meeting Cafe Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights image 30

Über 4000 sqft Multi-Studio Top Floor + Rooftop - Studio 2: Blue Cafe with Skylights

Studio 2: Blaues Cafe mit Oberlichtern
Mehr lesen




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Unsichere Verfügbarkeit Wir haben noch nicht viel Erfahrung mit der Zuverlässigkeit dieses Spaces. Daher empfehlen wir, zur Sicherheit kostenlos einen zusätzlichen Space zu reservieren, idealerweise einen unserer Spaces mit Sofortbuchung.

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