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Average user rating
Michael B.
04 Dec 2021
I would book it again!
Though planning for this event began 2 months ago, a last minute deve… more Though planning for this event began 2 months ago, a last minute development required that we seek an alternate venue. A Google search led us to Spacebase. It seemed perfect, almost too good to be true, in fact! Our first reservation request was rejected. Shocked, we selected another room, and submitted a second request The second attempt was successful. We were concerned that we were unable to reach anyone actually at the site, despite two telephone attempts. Nonetheless, on the day of the event, my team was able to set up and our presentation went off without a single mishap! The community manager was a consummate professional. The cleaning staff responded to a spilled beverage with speed and a smile. The room was clean and a fantastic backdrop for our participation in a citywide virtual awards presentation. We took the opportunity to tour larger rooms upstairs. They were just as well-maintained and looked simply marvelous! We were extremely satisfied. Will we return? Yes.
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